Teachers offer ten great ideas to bring
the theme of Halloween into your class. We truly have some unique
tips that will spark or scary students into a fun time in your classroom.
Read scary stories.
Tell Halloween jokes. Try our jokes you can tell in class center.
Include pumpkins, bats, and scarecrows in your lessons.
Candy estimation is fun for any grade level. Get a large jar,
lots of candy, and hat. Have students each write their name and
guess at the number of candies in the jar. Each day pull a guess
out of the hat. Keep the closest guess displayed each day. After
the last guess, the student with the closest guess keeps the jar.
Create a fictional cemetery to study history. It can be done
with people, events, or theories.
Create a mystery. This really starts a buzz about the school,
if you include other teachers and staff members.
Include candy in your lessons. Candy trees can be used as countdowns
to dates.
Take time to mention Halloween safety. You can also use it to
review safety in your classroom.
Do a candy sorting or graphing activty.
Have your class develop spooky stories. You can do it it line
by line for extra fun.