Research Skills Worksheets Listed By Specific Topic Area

Research skills are important to a person's educational, professional, and personal life. Did you ever hear a story, but wasn't sure if it was true? Or maybe you saw a word phrase that you didn't quite understand. Researching helps to locate information, and then use that information logically. It's like solving a problem, and in this case it would be finding out whether that story was true/false or discovering the meaning behind the word phrase that you were not able to understand at first.

We provide a bunch of printable worksheets to help students with their research skills. Students will learn the benefits of using the Internet as a tool for research. We also have pretty cool worksheets to get students interested in the stock market, and to research the ins and outs of the famous Wall Street. It takes students a great deal of time to become proficient at using tools for research. This set of printable worksheets helps students focus and hone these skills.

  1. Antonyms - Students determine which word is not an antonym.
  2. Biography Identification - Who might have said these words?
  3. Choosing Resources - Help students identify reference materials.
  4. Dictionary Skills - A good warm-up for spelling.
  5. Do the Research! - A variety of activities for getting students engaged in the research process.
  6. The Internet - A variety of activities for proper use of the Internet as an educational tool.
  7. Synonyms - Students determine which word is not an synonym.
  8. Stock Market - Research the Stock Market.
  9. Student Reminders- Help organize students with these reminders.
  10. Study Skills Worksheets - Great for test preparation.
  11. Using The Parts Of A Book - Learn to navigate a book.

How Students Can Become Better Researchers

The basis of everything we know is research. For students to understand the world around them, they must develop the skill of gathering, organizing, analyzing, and interpreting information. Conducting research will take them a long way in their educational and professional careers. The sheer volume of information available to us due to the rapid rise in technology has made it easier than ever to access information with the click of a button anywhere in the world.

It is also crucial for students to filter out fake information or a mere misrepresentation of facts. Students must be taught how to plan their research in a judicial manner, which will pave the way for them to become better researchers along with better decision-makers and influencers.

When a student has successfully developed the skill of conducting research, they will answer and solve any question or problem that arises. They will not have to look upon their peers and superiors for answers and ultimately become their teachers.

Research requires patience as an essential part of the writing process for students, and without this skill, they are likely to stumble at the first hurdle. Here are a few simple ways to help your students develop better research skills.

1. Be curious and ask more questions

Curiosity instills in us a powerful urge to ask questions and seek answers. By encouraging students to become curious, they will step out of their comfort zones and begin to see the world from a different perspective. A hunger for knowledge makes students better listeners and more receptive to information, ideas and perspectives around them. This will immensely add to their knowledge. There is no right or wrong question, and students must not be discouraged from either. Be patient, help them explore, and reach their conclusions to things.

2. Make the best use of the Internet and other sources

One can never underestimate the sheer volume of data and information that the Internet has in store for us. The foundation of good research is knowing when and how to ask the right questions. Making the best use of search engines like Google and Yahoo can make research easier for students.

A greater volume of data does not necessarily mean that the facts and sources are authentic. Students must gather data from reliable sources and filter out any misleading, deceptive, and ambiguous information. Students must check their facts from multiple sources to validate their authenticity. It is also essential to know how to cite the data gathered from the Internet.

The trick is to refine search queries as much as possible, which will increase the chances of the search engine returning information that is more relevant to the research. To get the best possible results from Google or any other search engine, students must use quotation marks around their search words to ensure that the search engine shows results for the entire phrase and not just individual words in the phrase. Another way is to search for reliable and well-known sites by typing the URL in the search bar.
Click here for a comprehensive guide on effectively using Google as a research tool.

The Internet is not the only place where students can find a data pool and information. Visiting libraries can be a big stepping stone towards becoming a good researcher. Reading books, magazines, newspapers, and journals add so much to your knowledge. Libraries are the best places for future researchers as they offer the best space for learning and growth. The library staff also helps students locate significant material on their research topics.

3. Establish SMART goals

To conduct any research, students must first establish their desired goal. Then they must ensure that their goals bring together two parameters: structure and tractability. Research goals and objectives should be:

  • Specific: Goals must be crisp, precise, and identifiable.
  • Measurable: Goals should be trackable and quantifiable. That makes it easier for them to be measured against results.
  • Achievable: Goals should be attainable, manageable, and realistic. Students should not have goals that are beyond their capacity.
  • Relevant: Ensuring that the goals are important to you.
  • Time-bound: The time frame for the goal to be achieved must be specified.

4. Participate in debates

Debating is a powerful tool that helps people exhibit their research power in practical terms. Debates also allow you to think critically. It is a whole experience that will require students to find, analyze their topic, brainstorm ideas, note down the facts and present them in the form of a speech or argument. By dividing the class into groups and assigning topics to them, healthy competition can be made out of it, allowing students to conclude their research in a few lines and improve their power of expression. It will give them confidence and promote future research and critical thinking, which will help them in their education and professional lives.

5. Avoid Plagiarism at all times

Students need to understand that plagiarism raises red flags. If you need to quote someone or use their work, you must know proper citation. There are several citation websites present on the Internet. You can enter the web page URL where you want to use your research. It automatically generates a citation in different styles like APA, Harvard, etc., which you can add to your research. It also adds authenticity to your wiring and gives the reader a good impression. If students are writing essays, they should know how to use quotation marks around quotes to highlight the text they are copying.

Hence, concluding that research is not a difficult task if you know how to ask the right questions, organize your information, use credible sources, filter out misleading facts, analyze your data and then present it in a concise and consolidated form. It is also important to remember to ask for feedback from your supervisors or teachers, which will benefit you greatly.