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Autumn Vocabulary Words

harvest The process or time period of gathering crops
migration The movement of persons or animals from one place to another
seeds a flowering plant's unit of reproduction that is capable of developing into another plant of the same type
growth The process of increasing in size or getting more mature
equinox The time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator
chlorophyll A green pigment that is present in all green plants and absorbs light so that the plant may go through photosynthesis
pigments The natural coloring of matter, skin, plant, or animal tissue
acorn A small oval nut that falls from an oak tree
scarecrow An object that is made to resemble a human figure and set up, usually in a field, to scare birds away from crops
rake Collect, gather, or move with an instrument called a rake
foliage A collection or mass of plant leaves
frost A deposit of small white crystals that form on the ground after the temperature drops below freezing
cinnamon An aromatic spice that is made from the bark of a tree
costumes A set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period, also a set of clothes to change the physical look of the wearer
aroma A distinctive, typically pleasant smell
branches A part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or bough
gourd A large, fleshy fruit with hard skins, some of which are edible


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