Teacher Guide
to Reading Comprehension
Have you ever read a paragraph or even a sentence and then when you try to remember what it said your mind is completely blank?
Reading comprehension is an important part of learning, and people who have learned the tricks and techniques not only remember what they have read about but can use the knowledge towards other areas and subjects in their lives. It's like stacking blocks of memories to build a fortress of knowledge.
There are many ways you can work on your reading comprehension. By using these techniques you'll do better on tests and learn more from what you are reading.
I had hundreds and hundreds of books growing up. When I first learned how to read, then that was all I wanted to do. My mother would take me to the book store and I would be in Heaven. She would also let me order books from our school book order program because she knew my love for reading. It wasn't just a hobby for me, but an adventure.
Reading is a way of life. It's something that all children need to learn and excel at. Reading is a necessary skill that allows children the ability to gain knowledge. How would they know what was for school lunch? How would they read a book? How would they be able to understand their homework assignments? As they grow into adults, they will need to read in their professional lives in order to be qualified for a career. If you choose to be a nurse, you would have to learn how to give medications and read the prescribed amount given by the doctor. If you choose to open up your own business, you will need to read paperwork and manage finances. Reading is essential in order to live a quality life.
By remembering the acronym SQ3R, you will be able to utilize these steps towards better understanding of your reading. SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite and review. Here is how they work:
Survey the material you are reading before you start really getting into it. Read the first sentences to paragraphs, headings, key words and read chapter or story summaries to understand what you are reading about. Looking over questions related to the material also helps. This will help perk your interest in what you are about to read.
Question what you are reading. Don't just take it for face value. You want to know everything about what you are reading about, both so you can get a good grade and to remember it for future use. Ask yourself, or write in a notebook:
- What is the main point of this chapter/sentence/paragraph?
- What evidence supports the main point? Use examples in your answer.
- How does what you've just read relate to your life, the rest of the chapter or book? Why is it important?
By asking yourself questions before you start really reading the material you are already asking your brain to seek out the answers.
Read or skim through the section. See if you can find the answers to the above questions. Write the answers down, and anything else you have questions about or feel is important.
Recite your reading material. Reading out loud helps to overcome hard words or confusing sentences. Try to answer your questions again but without looking at anything. See if you've memorized anything you've read. Saying things out loud is a great way to remember them.
Review what you've read by going back and highlighting, underlining or taking notes on the main points. Read back through all your notes and come up with a summary in your own words. If you can do the summary without too much difficulty you know that you've comprehended, or understood what you've just read. Congratulations! This method may take a little more time than speeding or skimming through text for answers but it will save you a ton of time in the long run. Plus you'll also be able to actively discuss the topic or material.
Reading comprehension comes easiest when you are interested in what you're reading about. If you are given a reading assignment or are trying to pick out a book at the library try to pick up something you think you would be interested in learning more about. This way reading becomes more of a fun activity than a chore.
Use these steps every time you need to complete an assignment in class and you will have it down like a pro in no time. Plus you'll be able to carry on knowledge from each thing you read instead of having to learn it all over again every time. Happy reading!
Literacy and Reading Techniques:
- Basic Reading Strategies
- Encouraging Student Reading and Literacy
- Five Reading Comprehension Strategies
- Summer Reading Lists Program
- What Are Phonograms?
- What is Emergent Literacy?
- What is Guided Reading?
- What is Independent Reading?
- What is Reading Recovery?
- What is the Theory of Automaticity in Reading?
- When You Read Aloud, Does it Improve Comprehension?
Related Teacher Resources That Are Worth A Look:
- Basic Reading Skills Rubric
- How To Improve Reading Comprehension
- Reading Learning Centers Aid Skills