Botany Web Sites Rainforest Teacher Worksheets
Plant Life Teaching Theme Rainforest Teaching Theme


Plant Lesson Plans

  1. A Close Encounter of the Tree Kind- Students will learn that bark can be a distinguishing characteristic of trees.
  2. Aztec Farming Technology - Students will Identify and describe the parts of a flowering plant.
  3. Aztec Floating Gardens- Students will be participating in a series of short experiments involving plants in order to discover ways to create a hydroponic garden.
  4. Birth of a Plant From a Seed- Students shall be able to label parts of a dicotyledon seed by function as well as by proper names.
  5. Buzzing About Bees - The student will know the parts of a bee and their functions.
  6. Data-gathering Activities Relating to Trees in Their Environment- Upper grade elementary students will be able to determine heights of trees and their ages. A canopy map will indicate optimal growing areas for the tree.
  7. Flowers Have Sex - Students will know that flowers have reproductive organs. They will identify the female and male pistils and stamens.
  8. Four Parts of a Green Plant and the Functions of each Part- The learner will learn four parts of a green plant and the functions of each part.
  9. From Flower to Fruit- Students will learn about self-pollination and pollination by insects and other animals.
  10. Fun Activities Using Seeds- The students will be able to identify the parts of a seed and their functions in germination.
  11. Germination: Name That Seed- The student should be able to recognize and differentiate between the male and female reproductive organs of a flower.
  12. Growth of Plants and Bacteria- Students should be able to explain the deleterious effects of ultraviolet radiation on the growth and development of plants and bacteria.
  13. How Buds on Trees Survive the Cold (and Related Mysteries)- The objectives are (1) to see how the delicate tissues of a tree bud are insulated so that they can survive the winter, (2) to learn how to determine the age of a branch/twig, and (3) to see how growth of branches can vary from year to year.
  14. How Plants Spice Up Our Lives- Students will be able to determine what part of a plant a spice comes from by using taste, touch, smell and sight.
  15. Indoor Gardening- To learn how different plants grow under certain conditions. To describe several uses of seed plants. The students will identify different seeds.
  16. Investigating the Structure of the Flower- The student will learn the basic anatomy of a flower by means of creating a model.
  17. Jigsaw Plant Parts! - Learning plant parts and their functions.
  18. Learning About Plant Life - The components and growth cycle of various types of plants found in nature.
  19. Let It Grow- These activities are designed for students in grade three. Students will identify the parts of a corn seed and a bean seed and understand their functions. Students will identify the parts of the plants that they have grown and understand their functions.
  20. Plant Actions- To compare the results of iodine test of two leaves one that has been exposed to sunlight and one that has not.
  21. Plant Life Cycle - Plant their own seeds and have them grow.
  22. Plant Structure and Growth - Explain how plants transport material via the xylem and phloem.
  23. Planting Seeds - The students will be able to go to the table and select the appropriate item for their task.
  24. Photosynthesis- Observe evidence of photosynthesis in a water plant.
  25. Photosynthesis: A Controlled Experiment- To measure the amount of starch left in a leaf of a geranium plant under the following conditions; carbon dioxide increased, decreased and neither increased or decreased.
  26. Seed Germination- The main objective of the Mini-teach is to show students that water and air are essential to the germination process of plant life and that this process can be demonstrated by using any different number of growth chambers.
  27. Seeds-Seed Sort- The second grade students will count and sort seeds and find the likeness and differences of many seeds.
  28. Showing Nature's Way-Plant Development & the Plant Parts We Eat- The student will demonstrate and record the stages of plant growth. The student will categorize food plants by identifying the edible part.
  29. Sorting Seeds - Students will recognize that seeds come in a large variety of shapes, colors and sizes. They will record observations.
  30. Structure and Function of Seeds- Seeds of flowering plants have two main parts, the "cotyledon(s)" (one or two, depending on the seed type) and the "embryo" (a tiny "baby" plant in a state of suspended animation).
  31. Structure Of A Plant- Use scientific methods to perform simple experiments, including asking a question, making predictions, describing a procedure, making observations, collecting data, and drawing conclusions. Follow directions to complete a simple experiment.
  32. Structure of Seeds and Effects of Fertilizer on Plant Growth- The second is to investigate how fertilizer affects the growth of plants, particularly of seedlings, and how this relates to seed structure.
  33. The Effects of Light & Temperature on the Growth & Development of Plants- To show how visible light constitutes only a small part of the spectrum of radiant energy.
  34. The Parts of A Perfect Flower- Explains the role of each flower part.
  35. The Plant Kingdom - To learn what a plant is, the origin of plants, how plants live on land, and the plants life cycles.
  36. The Structure of A Flower- Observe the structure of a flower. What function does each of these structures serve?
  37. Transportation in Plants- Students will understand how the forces of adhesion and cohesion and the process of transpiration aid in the transportation of water through the plant.
  38. Tree Identification by the Use of Leaves- Utilize the phenomenological approach to motivate students at the sixth grade level to understand how leaf Arrangement and structure can be used for tree identification.
  39. Vascular System of Plants Lab - This lesson is a laboratory investigation of the vascular system in a stalk of celery. Students will be able to see how the vascular system of a plant distributes water and nutrients throughout the plant with their own eyes.
  40. What are Some Substances That Will Cause Algae To Grow?- Students will learn how to set up a controlled experiment. Students will be able to determine the effects of oil, detergent, copper crystals sulfate and lawn fertilizer have on the growth of algae.
  41. Which Sex is it?- This lesson is designed for freshman level biology, but it is easily adaptable for lower grades. Students will be able to identify the parts of a flower. Students will be able to distinguish between a perfect and imperfect flower.