Lesson Plan Title : Research Report Writing

Age Range: Grade 9 through Grade 12 (High School Level)

Duration: 45 minutes


The learner will:

Review the steps of a research paper by answering questions on the research steps and an example.

Complete an outline on their research topic and continue working on the second and third paragraph of their research paper.

Using gathered information about a historical figure of their choice, students will write a biographical report entailing pertinent facts about the historical figure.

Each student will create a Simulated Journal filled with entries as their favorite historical figure. Upon completion they will use all of this information to construct a biographical report on the historical figure.


Language Handbook


1.The student will learn more about the historical figure of their choice as well as how to do research.
2.Students will learn how to incorporate the writing process in their writing
3.The student will know what a simulate journal consists of.


As a class answer the following questions:

What is a research report?

List 6 things a research report should have?

What is the thesis statement?

What should the first paragraph of every work be about?

How do you support a thesis when writing?

1. Have students choose a topic to write a research report on.

2. Have them create an outlined strategy of how the research report would be written.

3. Have students peer review three other works from students.

Take It Further:

1 .The students will begin by choosing their historical figure and getting approval from the teacher
2. Each student will gather their research in the form of simulated Journals
3. Students will use Journal entries as data for their report

Assessment: Complete the introduction and first three paragraphs of their research report.