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Day 4: Conducting Research to Write an Expository Paper on Survival Lesson Plan

Procedures: Day 4: Focus - Magazine Source

1. The teacher will pass out the laptops in alphabetical order while students get out their writing folders. The students will not turn on their laptops.

2. After all of the laptops have been passed out, the teacher will turn on the Promethean Board and briefly model how to find a magazine source using to search the archives at both Kids InfoBits and Junior Edition. The teacher will also model how to print the article. The teacher will remind the students to look for tips in the magazine articles that can be included in their expository writing.

3. The teacher will then display on the Promethean Board the important publication information the students need to correctly cite the source.

4. The students will work individually to conduct research on their topic. They will find at least one appropriate magazine article relating to their research topic.

5. The students will turn in their laptops when they are finished researching.

6. The students will then use a highlighter to highlight important information relating to their topic. The students will highlight information they think they might include in their expository writing. The students will write the publication information for their magazine article on their pink note card.

7. The teacher will walk around the room to monitor students' progress. The teacher will also answer the students' questions.

8. At the end of class, the students will have all turned in their laptops and will put their note cards and any magazine articles they have printed in their writing folders.

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