Lesson Plan Title : Numerical Autobiography
Age Range: Grade 9 through Grade 12 (High School Level)
Duration: 45 minutes
Description: Students write a 12-page numerical autobiography, in the format of an elementary school numerical book. 1 time I was born. I was born once in the town of Sacramento and...
Students will focus on editing, grammar, and writing skills.
Students will be able to write vivid descriptions of events/places/people of importance. Students will be able to edit their own/others' work.
Students brainstorm 36 possible topics (3 for each number) which could be developed into 2 paragraph informal "essays."
Writing takes place over several days.
When rough copies have been edited by students or teacher (only if it's a personal subject they don't want to share) then final copies are made.
When all 12 pages are complete, books are stapled together.
Assessment: Grade on editing, and completeness of books.