Lesson Plan Title : Making Nests

Age Range: Kindergarten through grade 2 (Primary)

Overview and Purpose: Students get messy in this project as they create birds' nests out of twigs and paper mache.

Objective: The student will be able to build a bird's nest using various materials and paper m�che.


Pictures of birds' nests

Actual bird's nest-if available

Paper m�che

Squares of cardboard

Twigs and leaves

Pieces of fabric, yarn, cotton



This is a multi-day project. Have students look at pictures of different bird's nests and see what materials they think the nests are made of. List those materials on a piece of chart paper. Divide the students into groups and explain that they are going to make their own nests. First, give them a square of cardboard to use to hold the nest. Next, have them shape the nest using the paper mache and twigs. When that is dry, have them line the nest with the soft items.

Wrap Up:

This is a messy project so consider asking parents to send in old clothes. More advanced students can be challenged to create specific kinds of nests for different kinds of birds.