Lesson Plan Title : What's on the Inside?

Age Range: Kindergarten through grade 2 (Early Elementary)

Overview and Purpose: Students examine various types of apple's to help them understand how even though people look different on the outside; they are the same on the inside.

Objective: The student will be able to explain that just because people look different on the outside doesn't mean they're not the same on the inside.


Various kinds and colors of apples

Sharp knife

Cutting board

Chart paper



Have students examine the whole apples and write their observations on the chart paper. Ask them to look at the different apples and note any similarities or differences. Cut the apples in half or in quarters and have the students examine the insides. Ask them to again look for similarities and differences and write their observations on the chart paper.

Compare the outsides and insides of the apples to people. Ask them if there are things that are similar and different on the outside of people. List their observations on the chart paper. Talk to them about how even though we are different on the outside, we are the same on the inside; just like the apples are different on the outside but the same on the inside.

Wrap Up:

This lesson could be extended by having students create their own apples out of brown paper bags and filling them all with the same type of material. The apples can be displayed in the classroom to help remind students that even though people are different on the outside, they're still the same on the inside.