Lesson Plan Title : Probability and Spinning the Dreidel
Age Range: Grade 6 through grade 8 (Middle School)
Overview and Purpose: Students use a Jewish Dreidel to practice probability. They answer questions about how often one of the symbols may appear and what different combinations can occur.
Objective: The student will be able to answer questions about probability using a Jewish Dreidel.
Recipe for potato latkes
Have students practice their probability skills using a Dreidel. Divide the students into small groups or pairs and give each group a Dreidel. Talk about the four symbols on the toy and then have the students complete the worksheet.
Sample Worksheet
1. If you spin the Dreidel 9 times, what is the probability of getting a gimel or a shin?
2. If you only roll the Dreidel 2 times, what are all the possible combinations?
Wrap Up:
For homework, have students write their own probability questions about the Dreidel. Have the students exchange papers in class and answer each other's questions.