Teaching Curriculum For Science
In this area of our web site, we highlight all the fantastic resources we have for teachers and tutors in the area of science. You have to see our full science workbooks too. Teachers just love them!
Basic Science Skills: What You Need to Develop
Science is one of the top fields of today that has continually gained recognition due to discovery and invention. Science is one of the most interesting subjects anyone can ever take in his entire school life. It enables you to let your curiosity loose and be able to discover many things in this world you never knew existed. Curiosity and desire for improvement of life has lead many people to incline towards science and eventually become experts in this field. Had you decided to go into the field of science there are basic science skills you need to learn in order for you to be the best in the field. Such skills will also allow you to discover and invent more things that will make our lives even better. Master all of those skills and you are on your way to becoming among the best and the brightest in the field of discovery and curiosity.
Observing. This is by far the most important basic science skills one needs to learn and develop. Scientists are very curious people thus they are also very much observant. They observe everything that happens around them and question why it is so. Using your senses you can start gathering information about certain mundane phenomena and discover something more exciting and worth noting. Using your sense, you can gather qualitative data and by using exact measurements from tools you can gather quantitative data. Both are important to observe and gather information before drawing conclusions as both supports each other. One cannot defend itself alone and thus need the other to provide evidences.
Inferring. This means making an educated guess. Educated meaning you have observations prior to making your guesses. You have evidences to support such guesses and the next thing you need to do is prove that guess to be correct or wrong. This is to deduce and conclude based on previously gathered information. Before you can infer you need to gather observations first as you can not do educated guesses if you don't have anything to base your guesses in the first place. It is one of the basic science skills you need to develop to make good inferences.
Measuring. Math is the language of science thus measuring is also a skill you have to learn in science. There are certain scientific situations where measuring is very essential especially in chemistry. If you are in the field of chemistry you deal with all sorts of chemicals and materials that need to be constantly measured to perfect the concoction. In science, both standard and non-standard measurements are used to estimate and describe certain objects and events. There are also different tools to help you with your measuring such as ruler and tape measure for solid objects while you use graduated cylinder or beaker for liquid objects. Measuring is essential to provide further data to your observations and help you make better inferences.
Communicating. This might seem out of the sphere of science but basic communication skills is also among the basic science skills you need to learn. This translates every observation and inferences you want the world to hear be it in writing or verbal form. Ideas and discoveries should not be kept all to yourself thus communication is very important. Also, it is important when you want to get information from other people. You need to communicate well with them to extract the necessary information you need for your study.
All of these are the basic science skills one needs to learn to be successful in the field of science. As an ever growing industry, they need highly skilled and highly developed people to join the field. Master these skills to be highly competent in joining the battle in the pursuit of science.
Science Teacher Web Sites
This web sites are fanastic for Science teachers and tutors. We had over 20 science teachers recommend these sites.
- Ask Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
- BBC Science
- Beyond Discovery
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Brainium
- Did You Ever Wonder?
- Extreme Science
- Frank Potter's Science Gems
- Free Science Worksheets - Features over science labs for biology, chemistry, and physics, and numerous other printable note skeletons, graphic organizers, and worksheets.
- How Stuff Works
- Journal of Young Investigators
- K-12 Science Education Resources
- Negashte
- Project 2061
- Science Books and Films
- Science Explained
- Science Learning Network
- Science Related Reading Worksheets
- The Science Spot
- Science Teachers' Resource Center
- Science U
- ScienceDaily Magazine
- ScienceIQ.com
- ScienceMaster
- ScienceNetLinks
- Sci-Journal
- TeachOne
- TryScience.org
- The Visible Human Explorer